Sunday School is for All Ages!


Miriam sang to them:

Sing to the LORD,
for He is highly exalted;
He has thrown the horse
and its rider into the sea.

Exodus 15:21

Just a little while before the Red Sea crossing, Israel was in Egypt, preparing for the Passover and the tenth plague that would cause Pharaoh to forcefully expel them from the land. In the midst of packing all they owned to carry out of the only land they’d known for 430 years, the women of Israel made sure to pack their tambourines.

When the Lord delivered Israel through the waters of judgment and death, safe to the other side, Miriam knew just what the occasion required, and she led forth with that tambourine. Led by the women of Israel, they sang what has become known as the Song of Moses.

LORD, who is like you among the gods?
Who is like you, glorious in holiness,
revered with praises, performing wonders?

Exodus 15:11

Just as Israel literally passed through the waters of death and judgment through a miraculous work of the Lord, we who are born again and have participated in the symbol of baptism have figuratively done the same. We have been delivered from death in sin and raised to newness of life in Christ Jesus. Our participation in water baptism symbolizes that inward work of deliverance that Jesus accomplished in us. And Scripture tells us that we who persevere to the end will join the Song of Moses again:

…those who had won the victory over the beast, its image, and the number of its name, were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God. They sang the song of God’s servant Moses and the song of the Lamb:

Great and awe-inspiring are your works,
Lord God, the Almighty;
just and true are your ways,
King of the nations.
Lord, who will not fear
and glorify your name?
For you alone are holy.
All the nations will come
and worship before you
because your righteous acts
have been revealed.

Revelation 15:2-4

As we journey toward our eternal home in union with Christ, have you packed your tambourine?

Sunday School for all ages begins weekly at 9:45 AM. All are warmly welcome.


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