Our History — Springfield PFWB Church


The history of Springfield PFWB Church is difficult to report definitively.  A fire during the 1970s destroyed church records, leaving the exact founding date unknown.  One of the charter members, Mrs. Hannah Batchelor, recalled the church beginning as a brush arbor on or near our current location.  The first public record of the current church property is in a 1915 deed from J.W. and Minnie Burton, and the history of the property in question suggests the church may have been built between July 28, 1913 and January 29, 1915.


The church windows were boarded and the church was unattended for an unknown length of time in the early 1930s.  While no deed was officially recorded until January 10, 1945, the property was conveyed to "Springfield Free Will Baptist Holiness Church" on November 1, 1933.  Mr. Hosea Horne, Jr. recalls from his childhood being with his father and other men as the church was repaired and reopened by some remaining members.  Springfield Church has continued in service without interruption since that time.  In 1954, through the vision of Jonah Swinson and other contemporary members, a Sunday School was established.


The Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church, Inc. was founded in 1958, and Springfield has since been affiliated with the PFWB denomination, headquartered in Dunn, NC.

Springfield has remained a beacon of Christian life in the Back Swamp community as its members have continued to worship, blend with other congregations, and contribute to the establishment of other churches.