Sunday School is for All Ages!


Israel was instructed to eat the Passover meal as if they would run out the door at any second—coat tied, shoes fastened, walking stick in hand. God knows that when the tenth plague occurs and the firstborn sons of Egypt die, Israel will be hurried out of Egypt.

It did not matter that God had clearly foretold what would happen through Moses and Aaron (Exodus 11:1-8). It did not matter that the power of Yahweh opposed to the false gods of Egypt had been mightily displayed in nine previous plagues spanning approximately 2.5 months. Somehow the Egyptians are surprised when they awaken to death in every household (Exodus 12:30).

It did not matter in the days of Noah that God had pronounced judgment over all the sins of the world. It did not matter that He commissioned Noah, a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5), to spend a minimum of 50 years building an ark. Somehow the people were still surprised when the water rose, and they were not shut inside with Noah and his family.

Jesus has clearly announced that He is coming again and will return in an hour when we least expect Him (Matthew 24:36-44). He has commissioned prophets and apostles to make it plain. He has called preachers and teachers to open the Word, which is His revelation to us. And yet, on that day, people will still be caught by surprise—even some who assumed they were all good to go (Matthew 7:15-23).

Given the suddenness of their impending deliverance, we now understand why Israel was instructed to be ready. Likewise, as we live as exiles awaiting our permanent home, we are to live ready for the Lord’s return.

Sunday School for all ages begins weekly at 9:45 AM. All are warmly welcome.


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