Sunday School is for All Ages!


In addition to the roasted lamb and bitter herbs, the Passover meal was to include unleavened bread, or bread without yeast. For 14 days, all yeast had to be completely purged from every Hebrew home.

On the first day you must remove yeast from your houses. Whoever eats what is leavened from the first day through the seventh day must be cut off from Israel…

Yeast must not be found in your houses for seven days. If anyone eats something leavened, that person, whether a resident alien or native of the land, must be cut off from the community of Israel. Do no eat anything leavened; eat unleavened bread in all your homes (Exodus 12:15, 19-20).

Why such a strong injunction against breads containing yeast? In the Scriptures, yeast serves as a metaphor for sin (Matthew 16:6-12; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; Galatians 5:9). Specific to the story of the Exodus, yeast represents the sinfulness of Egypt that the Israelites are to leave behind. Like yeast, the sinfulness of Egypt could spread & stay with them long after their deliverance. When they leave in haste carrying bread that wouldn’t have had time to rise if leavened, it is to be symbolic of leaving behind the yeast of Egypt.

Idolatry? Leave it behind.

Oppression of others for personal gain? Leave it behind.

Grasping for power even to the point of denying & defying God? Leave it behind.

Today, those of us delivered from the bondage of sin & made free in Christ Jesus likewise are called to leave the yeast of our old life behind (Romans 6; Galatians 5).

Sunday School for all ages begins weekly at 9:45 AM. All are warmly welcome.


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