TOMORROW: Last Day for Shoeboxes!

Now is the time to begin packing your shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child! Even if you have participated in this ministry before, you will definitely want to review the updated instructions—some things have definitely changed.

Want to participate without all of the shopping and packing? You can Build a Shoebox Online. (Additional fees apply and you must be able to pay online.) You can also reach out to any member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary for assistance with your shopping and packing.

More detailed instructions are available at How to Pack a Shoebox. In summary:

  1. Find a shoe box. There are some boxes available in the Fellowship Hall at church.

  2. Decide whether you will pack a box for a girl or boy, and choose from the three age categories.

  3. Fill your box with gifts. To help, you can print a list of suggested gifts to take with you shopping or review Operation Christmas Child’s gift suggestions online. Pay special attention to the items that should NOT be packed in your shoe box (i.e., candy, toothpaste, drink powders, war-related items such as toy knives, toy guns, or military figures, etc.).

  4. Of utmost importance, remember to pray for the child who will receive your gift.

  5. Label your box and donate toward the shipping and processing costs. If you’d like to track where your shoe box is delivered or make your donation online, you can opt for Follow Your Box labels. Otherwise, you can print basic labels, but remember for this option to enclose your $9 donation per shoe box to cover shipping and processing costs.

  6. Drop off your box. Shoe boxes will be collected at Springfield PFWB Church until November 21. Any time from now until November 21, you can leave your shoe box in the Fellowship Hall, and we’ll get it on it’s way. After the morning church service on November 21, you will need to deliver your own box to a drop-off location before November 22.

If you have questions, reach out to Kim Jones or Contact Us.

Help us send the good news of great joy that a Jesus has come to seek and save the lost—one shoe box at a time.

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