2020 Theme: Stand Firm. Hold On.



The entire letter we know as 2 Thessalonians was written to a congregation led astray. False information had been circulated—passed along as truth—and just that quickly the church had lost its moorings.

Paul may as well have been writing to the global church today. False information is shared. The Word of God is tweaked. Social platforms promote viral sharing. Convincing proofs are offered. And just that quickly, we are still prone to lose our moorings and unhitch from our firm foundation.

The remedy for today is the same as in the days of the Thessalonian church: stand firm & hold on. Paul writes, “So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter” (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

Our challenge for 2020 is to know and trust the Word of God so deeply that we are well able to respond with godly discernment in our day. In addition to personal study and faithful participation in the preaching and teaching of the church, we commit to specific prayer for:

  1. One another (the Great Commandment).

  2. That the Word of the Lord may speed ahead (the Great Commission).

  3. That the Word of the Lord may be honored (growth as disciples).

“How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say than to you He hath said, to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?” (John Rippon, 1787).

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