Preparing for Easter


Ever wonder what Easter is really all about?

Yesterday, many Christians across the world celebrated Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent and the season of humble reflection ahead of Easter. To those outside of more liturgical worship traditions, attending a service where ashes are marked on foreheads in the shape of a cross while being reminded that “you are dust & to dust you shall return” is frankly odd.

Or is it?

Easter is the season when we force ourselves to remember death. We remember that our physical bodies will face death, that our souls were born in a state of death due to sin, and that apart from a heroic spiritual rescue, we will face an eternal spiritual death separated from the presence of God. But, we also remember that Jesus Himself provided the very heroic rescue that we all need. When our sin guilt deserved death, He died for us—in our place. What’s more, He defeated death by rising from the grave—the very event we enthusiastically celebrate at Easter!

Still not sure that all makes sense? Check out the video below provided by The Bible Project, or click here for some reading material.

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