VBS 2018 Coming Soon!


Mark your calendars for VBS 2018 when we'll take a Polar Blast!  Invite your friends far and wide.

This year's VBS will be August 9-11 (Thursday through Saturday).

  • Thursday and Friday:
    • Dinner at 5:30 pm
    • VBS activities from 6:30 - 9:00 pm
  • Saturday:
    • VBS Commencement at 11:00 am
    • Lunch at ~11:30 am
    • Back to School Bash begins after lunch

Church members can volunteer to serve during VBS using the sign-up sheet posted on the church bulletin board.

Participant preregistration is available now--just click here.

Questions?  Click here to Contact Us, or reach out to Chasity Brown.

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