Welcome home.

There's no place like home. At the end of a busy work day, after a season of travel, or in those moments when chaos looms all around us, our hearts long for no place as much as home. We long for a space of security, acceptance, and peacefulness.

Welcome home.

We're a small, rural church that is low on formality and big on hospitality. We value timeless truths over fleeting fads, and people more than polish. We don't have much of a dress code--jeans, suits, heels, or flip flops are all just fine by us. We believe in the full council of Scripture and enjoy feasting on faithful, Biblical teaching. We believe that worship is not a prescribed set of behaviors or a performance, but a posture of the heart. We believe that prayer and the convicting, sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit change people and situations, and we are expectant as we trust God for the results. We believe that a healthy church is an intergenerational church where people of all ages are welcome participants in all aspects of our services. We're a gathering of people who will warmly greet you, and some of us will probably even hug you (if that's alright with you). Because we're at home, we want you to feel that way too.  

Welcome home.

There are a lot of challenging teachings in Scripture that remind us of the gulf between the people we are and the people we are meant to be in Christ. Those teachings, attended by the Holy Spirit, sometimes cause discomfort and conviction, emotions that threaten our perception of security, acceptance, and peacefulness. Nevertheless, we are a church that chooses to lean in to all that the Bible has to teach us, as we seek to emulate the example of Jesus Himself, who was simultaneously full of both grace and truth (John 1:14). There is no safer place to grow through hard things than from the security of home.

Welcome home.