Psalm 119 celebrates the gift of God’s covenant instruction as the perfect guide for life. By singing and praying this psalm, worshippers express heartfelt admiration to God, who has so lovingly given the great gift of His Word, and deep yearning that their personal lives reflect the goodness and loveliness of God’s law.
At 176 verses, Psalm 119 is not only the longest psalm, but also the longest chapter in all of Scripture, longer than many entire books. The psalm’s structure follows a strict acrostic pattern: there are 22 stanzas of eight verses each, following the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet in sequence. Within a stanza, the first word of each verse begins with the same letter, the letter to which the entire stanza corresponds.
The Law of God has fallen on hard times in our current culture. It is pitted against the gospel in ways neither intended nor helpful. An entire psalm proclaiming the beauty of God’s law as a guide to a life that is genuinely good and bountiful is a timely correction.
There’s no way that selecting about 15 verses out of 176 will do Psalm 119 justice. So, we’ll break from our pattern for a bit. Rather than post an entire psalm per day, we’ll post a stanza, along with the Hebrew letter it represents each day for 22 days. And for 22 days, we’ll walk in the same paths of our forebearers of the faith, delighting in the goodness of the law of God.
Read all of Psalm 119 using the link below.