The Healthy Church Intensives are back Saturday (September 9th)! These are in-depth training sessions for Pastors, Ministry Leaders and Churches that cover every area of ministry in the local church. Each of the sessions will be led by the PFWB Leadership Team: Randy Carter, Dock Hobbs, Marty Tew and Chris Searles.
Upcoming Local Location: Maranatha PFWB Church, Beulaville, NC
Sessions: Healthy Pastor, Healthy Ministry (Pastors), Becoming a Turn-around Church (Small Church Life), The Leader's Heart (Church Leadership), Beyond the Walls (Outreach)
There is no charge for the sessions and lunch will be provided. In this round of Healthy Church Intensives there will also be a time for potential Church Planters or those seeking more info on planting a church during the Lunch Session.
There will be breakout sessions for Pastors and Ministry Leaders, so get your team together and join us for HCI!
You can register by calling the Resource Center at 910.892.4161 or online at: